“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore
despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: for he maketh sore, and
bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole. He shall deliver thee in six
troubles: yea, in the seventh there shall no evil touch thee” (Job 5:17-19).
Dealing with chronic pain on a regular basis, whether
physical pain due to an injury or emotional pain caused by depression, can be
debilitating. In order to live freely in the absence of pain and have a good
quality of life without having to take medicine everyday to control your
symptoms, you must rewire your body. First change your mindset, and then change
your daily habits. Holistic healing is possible, it will just take more work
than taking pills prescribed by your doctor.
In order to begin the healing process, you must first find
the cause of your ailment. Many of us, God has allowed for our pain to occur
because he wants us to overcome it, so that it can be a testimony and lead to
blessings for others. Job, described as, “perfect and upright, and one that
feared God, and eschewed evil” (Job 1:1) was given his pain directly from
Satan, but under the direction of God. This was because God wanted to show
Satan that the pain that he could afflict was not great enough to break him.
For some of us, this may be our trial, but are you letting your pain break you?
Are you showing Satan right?
I dealt with chronic tension headaches starting in 2009
through 2016. When they first started my headaches were so bad that I lost my
vision. I went to the hospital, they feared that it could be a brain tumor but
all tests came back inconclusive. After that day came the pill popping, almost every
day so that I could try and live a normal life. Even when I didn’t wake up with
a headache I would take something for pain in fear of getting one. I was always
exhausted because I would even have pain in my sleep. This past summer I went
to a Neurologist, and I kid you not, this doctor spent 3 minutes on my
assessment and then prescribed me a low dose antidepressant for my headaches.
And because he was a specialist I had to pay SOOOO much for that 5 minute
visit! But we won’t get into that because we are believing God for all of our
healing so that we can start enjoying our money instead of giving it to doctors
HALLELUJAH! But, I left that building feeling like not one of my questions were
answered and like this was not the solution. But, I started the medicine, and I
admit it worked. My headaches would still come intermittently but not as
severe. As a side effect the medicine made me groggy and I would go half of my
day without fully waking up, and this was just one of the many side effects. With
taking antidepressants, this is not just a drug that can be stopped when you
start to feel better, so would I be stuck taking this hormonal altering drug
for the rest of my life? I knew that this was not the answer that I was looking
One night I was praying, and I asked God, “why have you
given me this pain?”. He answered me right away and told me that my pain would
help to educate others on how to deal with their pain. So I ask you to find out
the cause of your pain. Some pain is self inflicted or accidental but no
problem is too big for the God that we serve. God is telling me that there are
some people battling depression because you are in unhealthy relationships. God
is using that extra push to wake you up and to get you out. Any relationship
that causes pain is not meant for you!
As you are praying regarding your healing, EXPECT CHANGE!
The other day I took a nap and slept on my neck wrong. It was causing me
discomfort so I decided to pray on it before the pain escalated. In the middle
of my prayer a force pushed my neck forward and all discomfort was relieved!
Set your faith! Find the cause of your pain so that you can pray over it and
handle it. Disease can only stay in the body of the believer if you let it.
“Then said his wife unto him. Dost thou still retain thine
integrity? Curse God, and die. But he said unto her, Thou speaketh as one of
the foolish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God and
shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips” (Job
What is your perception of pain, and how do you react to its
presence? Job first lost all of his livestock, then all of his children were
killed, and then he received painful boils all over his body. The crazy part
is, his wife told him to die. But Job’s perception of his pain gave him
strength. Job knew that if he remained faithful the God would deliver him
through his storm. Some people might have been dealing with pain for decades.
You have to remember some storms last longer than others, but that is no reason
to turn from God because your reward will be greater when you make it to the
other side. When you allow yourself to be stressed your pain tolerance
decreases and you turn off your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Don’t
let yourself be stressed, this is just a scene in your life. There will be many
more. Don’t give your pain more strength by perceiving this as a problem that
is too big for God.
Now that we have our thinking cleared and minds set on the
right track to healing, we will continue Part 3 next week to start learning how
we can heal our physical bodies. Your everyday life plays the main role in how
you feel.
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