"For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ , they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning,. For it had been better for them not to have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the saw that was washed to her wallowing in the mire". (2 Peter 2:20-22).
It’s 2017!!!! Happy New Year and new beginnings!!! As prophesized this will be the year of the outpouring of the blessings from heaven. Families will be restored, wealth transferred, and more lives brought to the Lord!! In other words, this is going to be a great year!! Like many people, we always start our year off with a New Year’s Resolution, or a New Year’s procrastination or a New Year’s let’s start now but then revert back to our old ways next week… So what is your resolution? Finally going to lose 20 pounds, pay off your debt, or maybe get back into church? All of these are great, but let’s make 2017 the year when we really make a life change.
The term resolution comes from the Latin word, resolvere, meaning to loosen or release. A resolution is put in place to release from some sort of bondage holding you back in life. Having a resolution is great, but making your resolution a commitment should be the goal. Loosen those burdens going into the new year.
As we read in 2 Peter, it is better to keep the pollutions in your life, than to clean yourself from them and then revert back to those same dirty deeds. It is described as a dog eating his own vomit or a pig jumping in the mud after being washed. Pointless!
What chains are you breaking in 2017? Personally I am continuing on in my journey of letting go of processed foods and sugar. Growing in my relationship with God as I continue on in my purpose. Spending less time on social media and watching television. One of my ultimate goals in life is to travel the world. It’s time to stop watching my dreams on tv and seeing other people achieve, and start planning.
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not". (Galations 6:9)
My friends don’t forget receiving the blessing comes with work. Not just prayer but actual, physical work. You can pray to God all day but if you are not living your life according to his will then the blessing train is not going to stop at your station. It might throw you a small package from the window, but you will not receive the full shipment.
Procrastination: the action of delaying or postponing
As we saw in the end of 2016, death may be imminent for all of our lives. Stop putting off eating healthy, because your heart attack may be tomorrow. Give your life to God today. Car accidents happen every couple minutes. One of the saddest things that I see is people who think that life is guaranteed, so they put off loving God to another day. How dare any of us put off loving the one who gives us life in the first place! Do you not realize how you live your life today will effect your future generations? My daughter tells me that she misses McDonalds and Ramen Noodles. Sorry but you are not going to get high blood pressure, diabetes or cancer over some cheap food because of me. It’s time to start doing better so we can teach our children better. Don't wait untill tomorrow, today i a great day to start over!
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